Press Report 26th Sept 2022

On 26th September Chris Caesar, an award winning photographer from York, came to the society to talk about his work. He explained how to print your photographs and how the choice of papers can enhance the final image. He brought many beautiful landscape photographs printed on Canson infinity papers to show how paper type can change the image. The  many smooth, matt, textured and glossy papers can show detail ,colour, deepen the blacks, give integrity and archivability. The printing process makes a piece of art, it is the end product of photography. Thankyou Chris for your very informative, practical demonstration and presentation of your amazing images.

October 3rd sees the beginning of our working practically together in Focus groups .This includes ideas around Landscape, Mono , and street  photography etc. Plus demonstrations of the many editing programmes.

On October 10th we welcome Richard Egan FRPS, he is giving a presentation, “Producing Portraits.” Discussing how he creates his beautifully crafted fine art images. His talk leads to a workshop on October 17th using studio lighting and models. Bring your cameras.

There is always a warm welcome to all new members to visit and join at anytime throughout the year.

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